Tag referrer (14)
link friday: same-sex marriage, Wii U!, scandals
Mood: cheerful
Posted on 2012-11-16 14:07:00
Tags: gay referrer politics links
Words: 455
Things have been busy so it's been over a month since I've posted a batch of links...but the wait is over!
- Same-sex marriage section: after the historic victories last week (wow, that was only last week! How time flies...), my marriage map was linked from Sociological Images, which is a pretty awesome name for a blog. (and no, the map isn't wrong, Maryland doesn't allow marriage until January. But that's OK!) Dan Savage reminds us that we couldn't have done it without lots and lots of straight allies: thanks straight allies! And the New York Times points out that Obama won LGBT voters by a lot, while there was roughly a tie for straight voters.
- Wow: Dick Morris (who predicted a Romney landslide) is now saying "I Felt It Was My Duty" To "Say What I Said". Regardless of who you wanted to win, that is a terrible terrible thing to hear from a pundit who makes predictions. (perhaps it's not unrelated that Dick Morris is notoriously almost always wrong when predicting things)
- I just found out an old high school friend of mine started CheckedTwice, a place to put up gift lists and such. Perfect for the holidays! It got a nice writeup in a local paper.
- For some reason, a bunch of Princess Bride references in an NFL pregame show.
- Someone wrote a Chrome extension that automatically fact checks crazy chain letters - pretty cool!
- Speaking of Chrome, the new 100,000 Stars is a very cool visualization of our stellar neighborhood. Man, browsing through this makes me want to play Master of Orion again...
- After playing Nintendo Land for the Wii U, David and I have been convinced to get a Wii U. Lots of fun!
- With regards to the Petraeus scandal, David Simon has two (NSFW-language) posts: part 1 and part 2. Short version: this shouldn't be a scandal.
- Speaking of scandals, I still don't really understand what the Benghazi "scandal" is supposed to be about. (obviously it was a tragedy, and we need better security, but I've never understood why people are trying to make political hay out of it) And apparently I'm not the only one!
- Roman Catholic Church in Minnesota Refuses to Confirm Pro-Equality Teen - worse than that, they're refusing his whole family communion. Ick ick ick.
- Sixth man infraction spotted 19 years after Rockets/Sonics game - pretty incredible that no one caught this, even though it didn't make a difference in the play. Once you know what to look for it's pretty blatant :-)
- From the Onion: Nation Suddenly Realizes This Just Going To Be A Thing That Happens From Now On (re Hurricane Sandy)
- Pentatonix has a new Christmas album coming out - here's their version of Carol of the Bells.
a slight geek-out
Mood: geeky
Posted on 2009-02-17 14:26:00
Tags: referrer
Words: 42
qwantz (the guy who writes Dinosaur Comics, which is awesome and you should totally read) just linked to me! (for finding an article he remembered)
I think I have now extracted all the joy possible out of this moment. Back to work...
pretty contentless
Mood: cheerful
Posted on 2008-08-22 13:34:00
Tags: referrer computer politics links
Words: 216
I got another link to my runs per inning calculator. Yay!
There's this new IM/email/social networking app called Digsby. It's pretty awesome - I can do Google Talk, AIM, and Facebook chat through it, as well as twitter, regular Facebook stuff and it checks my Gmail too! And it's written mostly in Python and there will be Mac/Linux clients soon. If you're gonna give it a try use this installer - apparently it fixes some memory problems. (hmm, it just crashed...but that's the first time that's happened)
Obama should announce his VP soon! Speaking of which, FiveThirtyEight.com shows he and McCain essentially tied. If Obama loses I'm am going to be quite distraught. On the other hand, politics is always entertaining: yesterday McCain couldn't say how many houses he owns and Obama hits back with an ad. Some scummy right-wing group trying to swiftboat Obama made an ad that even Fox wouldn't air!
A New York Times article about The Daily Show points out that it is actually a pretty substantive source for news, covering long-running scandals like prewar intelligence in a way most places don't. Also, this comment about how the staff finds footage to air from a former Daily Show employee is pretty interesting.
Here's a panoramic view from the high diving board of the Olympics.
today is good
Mood: happy
Posted on 2008-07-25 16:08:00
Tags: worldofwarcraft referrer links
Words: 71
Yay, somebody likes the frost mage dps page!
Hot on the heels of this shocking video suggesting Bush and Batman are the same person (thanks omega697) comes an op-ed saying the same thing. Oy.
"Last Lecture" professor dies - I hadn't watched the Last Lecture before but I'm glad I did today.
Totally reinstalling my laptop is painful, but it's going OK so far. Next up - downloading billions of patches to WoW.
random stuff, because that's how I'm feeling
Mood: random
Posted on 2008-04-02 15:07:00
Tags: smashbros referrer links
Words: 101
I have the #1 result on Google for numCoins. My lifelong ambition!
Video interviews with people who are really really good at Smash Bros. Their favorite characters - Metaknight, Dedede, Marth, Game & Watch, and sometimes Olimar(!) and Diddy Kong (he talks about how the bananas are so awesome). Least favorite: Ganondorf, Sheik.
A friend of mine has a DonorsChoose proposal.
If you're in the market for an HD TiVo, they now have an offer that lets you get it with lifetime service (and a TiVo plush doll!). Still rather expensive, though.
I think I'm finally getting my Rock Band guitar back. Woo!
time warner not the problem?
Mood: contemplative
Posted on 2007-10-25 10:49:00
Tags: referrer
Words: 110
So after I went and badmouthed Time Warner it looks like our router might be at fault, as three times in the last 24 hours our connection was down, I rebooted just our router, and things then worked. Time for a Fry's trip, hopefully to find a 802.11n-compatible router that will solve all our problems.
Most of my referrer logs these days are fairly straightforward (and I don't pay as much attention), but I saw a good one this morning: pictures of abs on MSN search leads to my Pretty Pictures through Genetic Algorithms (since a few examples there use the "abs" function :-) )
(this set's icon for contemplative - also inappropriate)
Mood: hopeful
Posted on 2007-02-08 13:23:00
Tags: microresolution snow referrer links
Words: 242
It snowed yesterday morning! We got a few hours off from work (which we promptly converted into sweet, sweet sleep) so I'm feeling pretty good in general. It's also starting to warm up a bit - only got down to 19 last night!
My last microresolution was to finish the auctioneer lookup, which I'm declaring myself done with. There's possibly some more data that could be gathered if I did a lot more digging and the web service took a lot longer to respond, but I'm pretty happy with what it does now. I haven't decided exactly what my next microresolution will be, but it's probably either something related to taxes or addressing/sending letters. Or maybe playing around with Adobe Flex.
A few weeks ago I bought and installed Mint for my web site - it's a web site analytics program, much like Google Analytics, but with a much nicer view and more options (or at least, the options are easier to figure out). I'm pretty pleased with the results - you can see what a Mint install on another site looks like. It's also fun to see what searches people are doing that lead them to my site, like "working at national instruments", swat ride, texas shaped sunglasses (hmm, where's my result on there?), etc.
Yahoo! released Yahoo! Pipes today, but it's currently down. Here's an O'Reilly article about it, though, and I'm looking forward to playing with it when it comes back up!
lots of stuff
Mood: concerned
Posted on 2005-08-30 13:59:00
Tags: pictures projecteuler referrer
Words: 178
I meant to post yesterday, but didn't have the time. And I don't really have the time today, but if I wait another day I'm sure to forget stuff. So here goes!
I put pictures of my recent vacation up, which means I'm now caught up on pictures. Woohoo!
I'm going to see "Wicked" in November, which I'm psyched about! It should be a lot of fun. I just need to stop listening to the music for a while so I don't get sick of it :-)
Still having fun with Project Euler - I've moved up to #130something on the rankings, which is good, I guess. I'm averaging about a problem a day, which is a nice and slow pace...
Fun referrer links:
- Searching for cow riding on Ask Jeeves leads to this picture, which seems appropriate.
- Another "naked" query (naked rice university run pictures on Yahoo) leads to Jonathan's album. No luck for the searcher, though!
- Barbara Stoll on MSN gives my gallery page, which makes sense. But I don't know of a Barbara Stoll related to me...
some thoughts
Mood: determined
Music: Francis Dunnery - "Good Life" (from the Scrubs soundtrack)
Posted on 2005-07-26 13:52:00
Tags: asmc referrer
Words: 392
So djedi and I visited his brother and sister and Houston this past weekend. We watched a few movies - "The Importance of Being Earnest" (rented) and "Bewitched" (in the non-Alamo Drafthouse theater). "Earnest" was pretty good - I have the vague recollection of either seeing a movoie version, or reading the play, or something before, but not enough that I knew what was going to happen. It was entertaining! "Bewitched" was...OK. I guess I didn't realize it was a romantic comedy, which it very much is. And it was a bit sappy at times. Will Ferrell was good (as expected), and Nicole Kidman wasn't bad. Plus Stephen Colbert and Steve Carell had small parts, so that was kinda neat, too :-)
It was interesting - they had placards in front saying that taping movies was illegal and they would kick you out (or arrest you? can't remember...), which I think are relatively new, or maybe I haven't been to an Edwards theater in a while. Then, during the movie, an usher walked in (with a lightsaberish thing so he could see a little) and walked across the theater and then back to the entrance. This happened twice, so I'm wondering if he was doing it to (somewhat) surreptitiously check for people filming it. *shrug*
Aside from that, we grilled hamburgers (which turned out well, although a little less done than we would have liked), played some video games and board games, and went out to supper. Rehearsal started at 1 on Sunday, so we had to leave early to make it back in time (which we did!), which was a shame.
ASMC Tech week is going pretty well, although I'm tired after every rehearsal (our choreographer says that if we're not sweating by the end, we're not working hard enough. I'm working hard enough!) It's fun to see the show come together, though, and it definitely is coming together.
Random referrer: Searching for built-in bookcase on Ask Jeeves brings up a picture of my apartment (with, in fact, a built-in bookcase). Nifty.
Work is going well...have another project that hopefully I can wrap up by the end of next week. That would be sweet! There are some interesting NI blogs written by employees, which would be kinda neat to do at some point. Maybe. I never know how much I can talk about "publicly"...
more referrer fun
Mood: confused
Music: FFX-2 background stuff
Posted on 2005-07-21 22:05:00
Tags: referrer
Words: 133
Are these real? Is someone messing with me?
Got searches from Yahoo! for both naked bike race pictures and naked beer slide (from different IP addresses). Either way, it's pretty funny :-)
I'll most likely be incommunicado (sp?) for a while - out of town this weekend and tech week for ASMC (come to the Gala! It's lots of fun!) starts Sunday, which means my next free day is a week from Monday. Which seems like a long time away. But I'm sure it will be fun, albeit tiring.
Work is going quite well - made a major breakthrough yesterday and today. Others didn't seem as excited, but oh well. I'm excited :-)
Having one's ego stroked once in a while is nice, although one has to be careful not to let it go to one's head.
quick referrer fun
Mood: tired
Music: Rio de Janeiro music
Posted on 2005-07-19 23:35:00
Tags: referrer
Words: 93
Before I head to bed, a few fun referrers:
- If you search for Scary Clown Gallery on ask.com, you get a picture of me in ASMC. At least this query makes sense!
Dang! The other two have changed - I guess Yahoo! reindexed recently (the search terms were PHOTOS WEIRD LOOKING WOMAN and CARTOON PHOTOS OF SAILORS). I really have no idea how my gallery got on there...
Oh well. Another common one I get a fair bit is pictures of sinkholes on Yahoo, which leads to a a picture of Old Wiess. Heh.
Mood: tired and amused
Music: nothing!
Posted on 2005-06-27 22:20:00
Tags: referrer funny
Words: 24
Another fun referrer link:
An altavista search for "a bunch of men in their underwear photos"...and the 13th result is destroyerj's photos. Hah!
-verb agreement
Mood: hopeful
Music: Revels - "The Butterfly (Irish Slip Jig)"
Posted on 2005-06-09 09:47:00
Tags: referrer
Words: 144
Howdy all! I think I'm finally caught up on sleep from the trip and stuff, which is nice. Work is going decently, although it's definitely frustrating at times (i.e. right now).
Rick Perry - "Texans have made a decision about marriage and if there is some other state that has a more lenient view than Texas then maybe that's a better place for them to live" (via Andrew Sullivan). Ugh. This just in: apparently Perry was talking about gay war veterans (thanks to Andrew Sullivan). That's freakin unbelievable. Kinky for Governor!
Neat stuff done with Google Maps. One of the neat things is a script that generates a satellite image that can be any size. I might play around and make it a background at work. Good stuff :-)
If you search for pictures of sinkholes on Yahoo, an image of mine comes up fourth. Neat!
Fun search results!
Mood: happy
Music: FFX-2 battle music
Posted on 2005-04-16 20:10:00
Tags: referrer funny
Words: 40
So I recently wrote a script to find interesting ways people come to my website. And it turns out that if you search on altavista for beer party naked photo album, the first result is on my website. That's awesome!
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