shirts I want, internet options
Mood: okay
Posted on 2007-10-23 10:46:00
Tags: cluesolver
Words: 211

Dumbledore is gay! And shirts to match.

I still want this WiFi detector shirt but I feel a little bad spending money when none's coming in yet.

Speaking of computer stuff, we have Internet through Time Warner and it seems to go down reasonably often. But not really down - often just resetting the cable modem will restore things to normal. Hence my idea for a robot that can detect when I can't reach the Internet (easy) and reset the cable modem (hard unless there's some software way to do it, which I doubt).

So I looked into alternatives. Grande Communications doesn't recognize our address, AT&T/SBC/Yahoo/whatever DSL doesn't service our address, and Verizon DSL (I hate Verizon because of how difficult it was to cancel local phone service in MD, but whatever) finds a lot of different streets named Austin (our street is Austin Center Blvd) in various cities around here even though I put in the freaking zip code. GG verizon. So I guess we're stuck until I build a robot or someone reminds me of some other company I forgot.

Very stuck on simulations in clue solver, going to try to let it go for a few days and come back to it. Frustrating because I'm so close to done.

1 comment

Comment from krikwennavd:

Strange that Time Warner is weird for you. That might be worth a service call? We don't tend to have dropped connection unless something is really wonky.

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