Tag food (4)

official wedding pictures up! and yogurt
Mood: accomplished
Posted on 2010-04-13 10:58:00
Tags: pictures wedding food
Words: 229

Our official wedding pictures are finally up! Thanks again to Eric Hegwer, who did a great job photographing the event. I went a little crazy posting pictures (119 in total) because so many of them were so good, so don't feel obligated to look at all of them :-) If you're interested in a DVD with all 400+ pictures, let me know.

Yesterday I tried Sushi Zushi in the Domain for lunch. They had a wide selection of "real" sushi, but I just went for a Bento Box as I'm very inexperienced (I like California rolls but I've tried very little else). The meal was decent - (the miso soup was particularly good) but some of the stuff in the box was a little too weird to me. And it was fairly pricey - $14. But if you're a big sushi fan, they have a good selection and it's a nice place...

Anyway, on the way there I walked by Yogurt Planet, which is one of those "dispense your own yogurt and add toppings and pay by the ounce" type places. It looked like fun so I got one on my way out. It was amazingly delicious! I had fat-free mango yogurt with fresh blueberry, blackberry, mango and pineapple on top, as well as cookie dough bits and caramel. Seriously, check out the toppings on their site - it will make you hungry!


I still dislike moving
Mood: cheerful
Posted on 2008-03-13 13:12:00
Tags: moving smashbros food
Words: 135

but we knocked out packing in basically two hours with literally one box still open. Thanks a ton, helpers! That was way less painful than I had expected. Then we played Smash Bros. and somehow unlocked (not a spoiler) Sonic, although I'm still not sure how.

Lowe's called and the carpet will come in next Wednesday, which means installation hopefully the week after that and then we can finally move in for real. Although before that we'll have the TV/computers, kitchen stuff, and a hot tub - what more could one really ask for?

I realized this weekend that I don't know any good local Italian places (preferably close to us) - anyone have suggestions? The only Italian I can think of is Olive Garden, which is fine but it would be nice to try somewhere else.


The Steeping Room
Mood: content
Posted on 2008-01-29 10:03:00
Tags: food
Words: 174

Yesterday I was having trouble concentrating in the morning and needed to get some serious design work done, so I took a sheet of paper and headed to lunch. On a whim, I found myself at The Steeping Room, which is right across the street at the Domain before. I had walked by before and kind of made a mental note to check it out, so why not?

It was a sit-down place which surprised me a little, but I got seated quickly (by a hostess who complimented me on my penguin shirt, no less!) and looked through the menu. The food choices were a little light but there were like three pages solid of teas to choose from. I ended up getting a pot of Gunpowder tea, a cup of saffron white bean soup and the Napa rolls which were very similar to spring rolls.

All in all, good stuff. The tea hit the spot and I finally got some work done. It was a little expensive ($13 for lunch) but not terrible.


craving greek food
Mood: hungry
Posted on 2007-12-10 11:09:00
Tags: food
Words: 13

Does anyone know of a good Greek place nearish work (Mopac and Duval)?


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