Tag yahoomap (1)
projects and work and stuff!
Mood: upbeat
Music: Tori Amos - "Hotel"
Posted on 2005-11-18 13:15:00
Tags: todolist work yahoomap taxcenter
Words: 315
Ugh...so I get in this cycle where I think about things to post about, then I get busy and don't have time to, and then when I do have time to post I feel like I have so much to write about that it's overwhelming. So I don't post. Well, the cycle (this current one, anyway) ends here! Here's my decidedly incomplete post:
haha, I can't think of anything to say.
I've improved my todo list some - now you can have categories and whatnot. Still planning on tweaking it some more (so you can delete and reorder categories), and adding some sort of reminder feature (like a tickler file from "Getting Things Done").
Also, I did up a yahoo map much like my google map. It mostly works, although I want to make the markers load faster and make it zoom in when you double click. The map is based on the Beta Yahoo Maps, which uses Flash. I think I still like Google Maps a little better, but Yahoo has some nice features, as well as geocoding (turning an address into a latitude and longitude) built into the API, which I might play around with at some point.
Work is going well today. Yesterday things were going poorly, but I finally tracked down a mysterious bug yesterday evening (after spending two days finding it...) that greatly improved my life.
This weekend djedi and I are going to see Harry Potter at the Alamo Drafthouse, which I am excited about (the reviews are pretty good).
Last week we went to orientation for the tax center we're going to volunteer with again this year. It was OK (most of the stuff we already knew) but it was nice to get back in that frame of mind. Still need to go through training and get certified by the IRS. Can't wait to get the new Publication 17!
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