Posts with mood concerned (3)

graph colorings and network flows
Mood: concerned
Posted on 2008-11-08 19:43:00
Tags: math
Words: 164

I agreed to give a talk to the Austin Math Circle in a few weeks, so today I tried to figure out what it should be about. I think I'm going to talk about graph theoryish things - the way things work, I'll be talking for a while, then the kids will work on part of a worksheet, then a break for cookies and stuff (I love cookies!), then more talking and more of a worksheet. First part will be on coloring (hoping to prove the six-color theorem) which I've got pretty well sketched out. (although I need slides too! ack...) Second part is less clear - I think something on network flows would be interesting, but I'm not sure I can come up with enough material that isn't too complicated and I can explain well. I guess I'll work on that tomorrow.

(also, this is the first post I've made, maybe two months? in which I didn't mention the election, this postscript notwithstanding. Hooray!)


vote next tuesday!
Mood: concerned
Posted on 2005-10-28 12:21:00
Tags: activism
Words: 111

For people that are registered to vote in Texas, there's an election next Tuesday (November 8). Please vote No on Proposition 2, which would not only ban gay marriage in the Texas Constitution, but prevent any "legal status identical or similar to marriage". So, clearly civil unions are not permitted, but perhaps even legal documents that would give djedi and I some rights associated with marriage (visitation rights in the hospital, next-of-kin type status, etc.)

This is a special election, so turnout will likely be low, which means that we do have a chance to reject this amendment!

You can go to to find your precinct number and polling place.


lots of stuff
Mood: concerned
Posted on 2005-08-30 13:59:00
Tags: pictures projecteuler referrer
Words: 178

I meant to post yesterday, but didn't have the time. And I don't really have the time today, but if I wait another day I'm sure to forget stuff. So here goes!

I put pictures of my recent vacation up, which means I'm now caught up on pictures. Woohoo!

I'm going to see "Wicked" in November, which I'm psyched about! It should be a lot of fun. I just need to stop listening to the music for a while so I don't get sick of it :-)

Still having fun with Project Euler - I've moved up to #130something on the rankings, which is good, I guess. I'm averaging about a problem a day, which is a nice and slow pace...

Fun referrer links:
- Searching for cow riding on Ask Jeeves leads to this picture, which seems appropriate.

- Another "naked" query (naked rice university run pictures on Yahoo) leads to Jonathan's album. No luck for the searcher, though!

- Barbara Stoll on MSN gives my gallery page, which makes sense. But I don't know of a Barbara Stoll related to me...


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