insertLineBreaks got " . $text; $brString = "<br>"; $curPosition = 0; $textPieces = explode($brString, $text); $textPiecesLength = count($textPieces); for ($i = 0; $i < $textPiecesLength; $i++) { $curString = $textPieces[$i]; print "
text piece $i is $curString"; $lastInsertedBr = 0; print "
curString length is " . strlen($curString); while ((strlen($curString) - $lastInsertedBr) > $textSplitSize) { print "
looking for spaces..."; // Start looking for spaces starting at $lastInsertedPos. $maxInsertedPosition = $lastInsertedBr + $textSplitSize; $lastSpacePos = $lastInsertedBr; $oldLastSpacePos = $lastInsertedBr; print "
begin: lastSpacePos is $lastSpacePos"; while (($lastSpacePos <= $maxInsertedPosition) && !($lastSpacePos === false)) { $oldLastSpacePos = $lastSpacePos; $lastSpacePos = strpos($curString, ' ', $lastSpacePos + 1); print "
now lastSpacePos is $lastSpacePos"; } if ($oldLastSpacePos == $lastInsertedBr) { // This is a really long string that we can do nothing about, // so lie. print "
giving up"; // Just insert something at the next space. if ($lastSpacePos === false) { // There are no more spaces, so do nothing. $oldLastSpacePos = -1; } else { $oldLastSpacePos = $lastSpacePos; } } if ($oldLastSpacePos == -1) { // Lie to make sure we don't do anything. $lastInsertedBr = strlen($curString); } else { // Use $oldLastSpacePos $curString = substr($curString, 0, $oldLastSpacePos) . $brString . substr($curString, $oldLastSpacePos+1); print "
curString is now $curString"; $lastInsertedBr = $oldLastSpacePos + strlen($brString); print "
lastInsertedBr is now $lastInsertedBr"; } } $textPieces[$i] = $curString; } print "
insertLineBreaks is returning " . implode($brString, $textPieces); return implode($brString, $textPieces); } print "running script..."; #print "post[addmarker] is: " . $_POST["addmarker"]; print "post[lat] is: " . $_POST["lat"]; //if (isset($_POST["addmarker"])) { if (isset($_POST["lat"]) && ($_POST["lat"] != "NaN" && $_POST["lng"] != "NaN")) { // Lock the datawilma.xml file. print "inside loop"; $lockFileName = "datawilmalock"; $fileName = "datawilma.xml"; $logFileName = "commentlogwilma"; while (file_exists($lockFileName)) { usleep(250000); } print "got lock"; $lockHandle = fopen($lockFileName, "w"); fwrite($lockHandle, "locked"); fclose($lockHandle); $fileContents = file($fileName); $numLines = count($fileContents); $foundLatLng = false; if (isset($_POST["append"]) && $_POST["append"] == "1") { for ($i = 0; ($i < $numLines) && ($foundLatLng == false); $i++) { $findExistingMarkerRE = ""; $fileContents[$i] = preg_replace($appendCaptionRE, "caption=\"\\1" . unescapeDescription("

" . $_POST["desc"]) . unescapeDescription("
Added: " . date('m/d H:i')) . "\"", $fileContents[$i]); $foundLatLng = true; system("echo \"(append)\" >> $logFileName"); } } } if ($foundLatLng == false) { $fileContents[$numLines] = $fileContents[$numLines-1]; $fileContents[$numLines-1] = "Added: " . date('m/d H:i')) . "\" />\n"; } system("echo \"At " . date('m/d H:i') . ": " . escapeshellarg($_POST["desc"]) . "\" >> $logFileName"); $fileToWrite = fopen($fileName, "w"); foreach ($fileContents as $line_num => $line) { fwrite($fileToWrite, $line); } fclose($fileToWrite); unlink($lockFileName); } ?>