Mood: excited
Posted on 2006-11-07 08:23:00
Tags: ljbackup projects
Words: 180
Vote today!!
Thanks a lot for y'all's comments on my post yesterday! I've decided to work on the LJ backup thing. For some reason I sorta half-started on it a while ago and was convinced that it was going to be really hard. Last night I spent most of the evening coding (djedi wanted to make sure I was actually enjoying myself and not just doing it because I felt I needed to be working, but I really do enjoy coding, especially at the beginning of a project!) and got to the point where I can fetch all comments to all of my posts and I can fetch my posts, so that's a lot of the hard part. I'm even displaying it decently, although I need to work on comment threading and prettification and such. I can even do neat statistics - 43 people have ever commented on my journal! (42 real users, 1 generic anonymous user)
Since I have to wait at home this afternoon for the cable people to come, I'm hoping on getting more stuff done as well :-)
This backup was done by LJBackup.