Windows Phone: adding a first run tutorial to your app
Mood: happy
Posted on 2014-02-05 21:33:00
Tags: windowsphone projects wpdev
Words: 512

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My Marriage Map app has gotten some bad reviews complaining about missing features that were actually present in the app. So, I decided to make a quick tutorial that would point out how to use the app the first time the user ran it. I did a quick search for some sample code but couldn't find any, so I rolled my own. (download the latest version of the app to try it out!) It features

None of these were particularly difficult, but adding them all took a bit of work. So I made a sample project with the same system to make it easier to add to your apps.

Some notes on the code:--

See all my Windows Phone development posts.

I'm planning on writing more posts about Windows Phone development - what would you like to hear about? Reply here, on twitter at @gregstoll, or by email at


Interested in developing for Windows Phone? I'm the Nokia Developer Ambassador for Austin - drop me a line at!

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