Mood: blah
Music: Fuel - "Song for You"
Posted on 2006-01-03 13:56:00
Words: 115

Well, New Year's is basically over, and yikes. I had a lot of fun, but I'm exhausted from all of the festivities, and being at work is toughish. Good to see people, though - I'll put pictures up at some point. I got to see the paper arrive in the morning (a little after 5) right before I went to bed on the morning of January 1. And many thanks to djedi to driving quijax to the airport very very early this morning!

The product I work on released! Yay!

Hopefully, a quiet week is ahead. My stomach hasn't been feeling the best, and I gained a little more weight, but that ends next week. Grr.

1 comment

Comment from destroyerj:

Grats on the release, woohoo!!

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