long-overdue links: sexism in the tech industry, torture v. diversity, money wins elections
Mood: cheerful
Posted on 2013-05-03 15:06:00
Tags: politics links
Words: 355
It's been a while, so some of these are out of date, but they're interesting, dang it!
- Caroline Shaw, a fellow Philharmonics singer at Rice, just won the 2013 Pulitzer Prize in Music! Congratulations to her! A short article about the piece at Slate.
- The Biggest Problem in Technology - a good synopsis of the sad episode that happened at this year's PyCon. Best sentence:
Given the advantages of time, distance, and a rational mind, it is relatively easy to see that basically everybody involved erred (though some far more severely than others).
Comment from wildrice13:
Good links. I'm with you on the Star Trek movie. I know they're in it to make money, but geez... don't remove the stuff that MAKES it Star Trek to do it. Hopefully they strike a good balance, but I'm a little less optimistic having read that. When I read this line: "Research showed that foreign ticket buyers viewed the 2009 film as 'too Trekkie and too sci-fi,' in the words of one Paramount executive." and see that they're actually taking that to heart... *shudder*. The 2009 movie was good, but already moved some in that direction.
Oh, and Carmen Sandiego... awesome. As a kid I was always like, "come ON! I could do that!" And now I'm like, "whoa, that's *really hard*", and that's without seeing the statistics...
Comment from brittongregory:
In cases like that last article, does reading it do anything other than subtract enjoyment from what would otherwise be a fun night out?
Comment from gregstoll:
Yeah, I kinda hesitated about posting that...but I want to express my displeasure in meddling with the plot and making things less "sci-fi" to try to appeal to a broader audience. So: booo!
Comment from brittongregory:
Fair enough. :)
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