Google Reader is closing - try Newsblur instead!
Mood: busy
Posted on 2013-03-14 09:59:00
Tags: endorsements
Words: 133

Google announced yesterday that Google Reader is shutting down July 1. If you're looking for a replacement, I'd recommend Newsblur - it's run by an indie dev (Samuel Clay), it's open source, there are apps for phones (although I haven't tried any of them), and it works great! It has a lot of neat features (intelligence training, social-y stuff, etc.) but honestly I use it just as a normal RSS reader and I'm happy with it. (I also sent in some feedback and the developer sent me a T-shirt!)

One nice thing about it is that Samuel works on Newsblur full-time, and so he charges $2/month for the "premium" Newsblur experience. I like paying for stuff I don't want to die, since there's a stronger incentive to keep it alive. (unlike, say, Google Reader...)


Comment from spchampion:

Seems crushed under the load.

Comment from gregstoll:

Yeah - traffic spiked ~60x today. From his tweets he's working hard to get things back!

Comment from kernelm:

I seriously thought I was hallucinating when I saw the popup on Reader last night. Like... WTF GOOGLE?!?

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