lots'a thoughts'a
Mood: content
Posted on 2005-11-30 12:34:00
Tags: pictures
Words: 200

I forgot to mention yesterday that I hit a deer on the way back to Austin! I was just driving along, minding my own business, when a deer ran across 290 (super-fast), and I just barely hit it. We stopped soon after and there didn't seem to be any damage, but it scared the crap out of me for a while. Never had that happen to me before.

Firefox 1.5 did in fact release yesterday. The pop-up blocking seems to be better, and things are noticeably faster (especially going back and forward). Still seems to use a lot of memory, though.

Yesterday djedi and I got a Christmas tree and put it up in my apartment, which was exciting (although messy). We haven't decorated it yet, but it really feels like Christmas even with just a bare tree up in the living room :-) I ordered some TiVo ornaments to put on it, too!

I finished putting keywords on all of my pictures, so now you can search by keyword to find pictures that people are in.

Hope everyone's having a nice day! And I hope whatever's in the air that keeps my allergies (and other peoples', it seems) going disappears!


Comment from destroyerj:

Yikes! That would definitely scare the crap out of me.

Is there like a deer-in-street season (and is it now)? I've noticed a whole bunch of deer on the sides of the roads lately.

Comment from gregstoll:

Hmm, good question. A google search turns up an article about a car killing a deer in the street in November. So I'd say it's definitely the season, and perhaps November is deer-in-street month, which means it's almost over!

Comment from blamantin:

Deer hunting season started Monday in Pennsylvania. But I don't think they could have run to Texas that quickly.

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