Happy 151st post to me!
Mood: busy
Posted on 2005-11-08 13:28:00
Tags: pictures activism
Words: 75

I put up pictures from this weekend (including Ren Fest), although I didn't take very many.

For your viewing pleasure this evening, the Texas election results (courtesy of the Secretary of State). I'll be watching as soon as we get back from our boring meeting.

My hands have been hurting for the last week or so (it feels like the muscles in the hand, but it's hard to tell). This is not a promising development.

1 comment

Comment from bobacita:

Wearing wrist splints to sleep at night have helped me minimize the pain in my hands, so maybe it could help you too. I also use a Kinesis keyboard and type in Dvorak. Anything to avoid surgery! ;)

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