holdin' on links
Mood: cheerful
Posted on 2011-07-20 16:04:00
Tags: links
Words: 167
Going to be out of town this Friday (yay webOS event in Dallas!), so link Friday comes early!
- Lady Gaga's solo piano performance of "The Edge of Glory" on the Howard Stern show - more like this, please.
- Why I will never pursue cheating again - depressing story from a tenured professor about how tracking down cheaters isn't worth it, although he does offer some suggestions for making assignments less prone to cheating.
- Out of Poverty, Family-Style - interesting article about how the Family Independence Initiative is having good results helping poor families.
- This Simple Graph Explains Why Unemployment Refuses to Go Down - yikes. Consumers spending less is presumably good for the consumers (less credit card debt, etc.) but bad for the economy.
- Fake Apple stores in China! That is impressive.
- Why the Defense of Marriage Act Is on the Ropes - Obama is calling for repeal of DOMA, which is very exciting!
- Classic Ze Frank episode about "Brain Crack" with commentary (NSFW language)
- All of Modern Politics in One Chart
Comment from andrewhime:
Teach me how to become a filthy rich webOS developer in under an hour and I'll drive down to Addison!
Comment from gregstoll:
Haha...I think I need to teach myself first :-)
Comment from andrewhime:
I realized right after posting it that I have to work the Apple job til 10 anyway. :|
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