marriage and such
Mood: tired
Posted on 2010-06-09 11:54:00
Tags: links
Words: 111
I find the fact that Al & Tipper Gore are getting divorced after 40 years of marriage horribly depressing. Some marriages are not meant to be, but usually the people involved figure that out within the first few years. I guess it's important to keep working on a relationship no matter how long you've been together...
Similarly, this ad showing a married gay couple [mildly NSFW] depresses the crap out of me!
Unrelatedly, Bing Maps has this new feature called Destination Maps (it's a Silverlight app) where it will draw out a map and make it look hand drawn. Here's a map to our house drawn in "sketchy" and "treasure map" styles:
Comment from anonymous:
Might want to mark that ad link NSFW, m'friend.
Comment from gregstoll:
Ah, yeah, sorry.
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