happy 9 years!
Mood: cheerful
Posted on 2009-06-30 10:22:00
Tags: links
Words: 148
And on the same day of my 1000th LJ post! Clearly this is an auspicious day. Except for the fact that I broke a glass this morning :-(
Firefox 3.5 is out today! Looks like it's not automatically updating yet. I've been beta testing for a while and it's speedier and more responsive than Firefox 3. You can see some of the new features here.
I'm becoming somewhat obsessed with the Palm Pre - been reading reviews from Engadget and Gizmodo (here's the flash-heavy Sprint page) and I'm kinda excited about it, although I'm under contract with T-Mobile until March. I even signed up to develop an app for it - gonna try porting whereslunch.org to it and see how easy it is...
Sometimes I step back and marvel that I can buy 16 GB of storage that fits on my keychain for $35.
Internet is out at home until Friday.
1 comment
Comment from onefishclappin:
Happy anniversary! Have a good time.
And I agree re. 16GB for $35 - I remember being so pumped when I got a 1.2G drive my freshman year in college. Not to mention being so excited when we got a computer with a hard drive to begin with - no more floppy shuffle!
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