I'm in a hurry to get things done...
Mood: stressed
Music: Dave Matthews Band - "Funny the Way it is"
Posted on 2009-06-05 13:34:00
Tags: politics links
Words: 166
Obama gave a big speech in Cairo yesterday - here's the full text and the hour-long video. Pretty impressive and even-handed.
Yesterday was the 20th anniversary of Tiananmen Square, and the Chinese government tried to block foreign reporters from recording by...using umbrellas.
New Hampshire passed a same-sex marriage bill into law this week, leaving Rhode Island as the only New England state that hasn't legalized it. Which is pretty crazy when I stop and think about it. The map is turning more green!
A long article about gay marriage from a Burkean conservative point of view.
Loving Day, the anniversary of the Supreme Court striking down anti-mixed race marriage laws, is this weekend.
Cool guys don't look at explosions (video).
A long "screenplay" about how hard it is to get security right - this really opened my eyes!
Pixar vs. the Rest, or "Pixar movies, they make a lot of money and people like them".
Stem Cell Contact Lenses Cure Blindness in Less Than a Month - um, wow.
Comment from anonymous:
i fixed my posting -- yes, mrs. lovng is sadly no longer with us
thanks for pointing this out
Comment from gregstoll:
That's sad! I didn't realize she had passed away.
Comment from liz_gregory:
you rush and rush because life's no fun?
all you really gotta do is live & die, but you're in a hurry and don't know why?
(ID that country song)
Comment from gregstoll:
I've been in a song snippet kinda mood :-)
Comment from liz_gregory:
It's one of my favorites from the first half of the 90s :)
Comment from gregstoll:
I'm not sure I've ever actually heard the original, but I have a good a capella version by the U of Rochester Yellowjackets...
Comment from liz_gregory:
ah! I wondered where you had gotten that particular lyric. :)
Comment from flamingophoenix:
William and Mary's group Reveille does a good rendition of it.
I believe the original is by Alamaba. "In A Hurry," if I'm not mistaken.
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