days go by and still I think of you
Mood: calm
Music: Dave Matthews Band - "Dive In"
Posted on 2009-05-29 10:13:00
Tags: music worldofwarcraft links
Words: 156

Had a nice relaxing week, apart from being sick Tuesday and Wednesday. Oh, and we downed a few new bosses in Ulduar-10 last night (Kologarn and Auriaya), although no loots for me.

Despite being sick most of the week I found some good links:

- Dave Matthews Band has a new album coming out next week, and you can stream the full thing at Pandora. So far it's pretty good!

- This article about health care in the New Yorker was both fascinating and a little depressing. It looks at why McAllen is the most expensive city for health care in the US, and basically the answer is because the culture for doctors there is to try to maximize revenue.

- How an Intern Stole NASA's Moon Rocks

- A rebuttal to those who claim that the new Star Trek movie threw away a bunch of continuity...short version, Star Trek has been throwing away continuity for quite a while now.


Comment from cifarelli:

The girl in the NASA moon rock story was my brother's lab partner in one of his science classes in college at TLU. How's that for connections? ;)

Comment from fartingmonkey:

Didn't you get some bracers or something? Perhaps some gloves? There were a lot of gloves.

Comment from gregstoll:

Oh, yeah, I got some off-spec gloves. That was kinda neat, I guess.

Comment from djedi:

Didn't you get like 5 pairs of gloves yourself?

Comment from djedi:

Wow, some great links that week. I feel like I need to hire you to do all my web browsing for me and then just summarize it into the best links for me to read. :)

Comment from gregstoll:

Haha...I'm not sure how well that pays :-P

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