looking for a tree place
Mood: curious
Posted on 2009-03-24 23:38:00
Words: 19

Anyone ever bought a tree in Austin? We're looking to plant a pecan tree in the backyard this weekend.


Comment from onefishclappin:

It's About Thyme is where we bought ours.

Comment from gregstoll:

Hee hee. That's a good name!

Comment from onefishclappin:

Yup :)
The Natural Gardener is the other nursery that we go to in Austin.
Both are down near us - so you have to visit us if you go to either ;)
We got an oak. I don't see a lot of pecan around here; I don't know how well they grow here. I guess we should ask Stanton.

Comment from djedi:

My grandparents, who lived like 50 miles southeast of here had a whole pasture full of pecan trees...so I know they'll grow here. They just aren't popular because they are deciduous I believe.

Comment from cifarelli:

My parents have a pecan tree in their backyard, but it's been there for 25+ years and only in the last year or two actually bothered to start producing pecans.

Comment from onefishclappin:

That being said, my parents have one in Dallas & there are tons around their house & they all produce like crazy and no one ever does anything special or even bothers watering them. I promise that I'll help you shell your pecans :)

Comment from cifarelli:

Well that jives with my parents' tree only recently beginning to produce pecans. :) I know they've never given it any special fertilizer or anything, though they do make a good effort to keep it (well, just the lawn in general, but the tree benefits) watered during the droughts and the like.

Comment from liz_gregory:

They're also very brittle - strong winds and storms will break limbs all over the place. They grow quickly (which it why they're so brittle) and spread out all over the place. We had a neighbor with one between our houses in Houston and when branches broke off it caused roof damage, so they had it removed.

But growing quickly means that they make excellent shade trees, as long as you don't mind the massive leaves and pecans that drop in the fall. Of course, if you want to shuck pecans, the shells make and excellent mulch and keep cats from using your flower beds as little boxes (if anyone has some shells, we are in dire need of them).

Comment from spchampion:

They grow like crazy there.

Comment from amorphousplasma:

Houston farmer's markets sell trees. We got our lemon and fig trees there and both have been very productive and grow well.

Comment from spchampion:

Just a few thoughts on pecan trees (after growing up with a few hundred of them):

Here's a good page:


And here's another with cultivars recommended by area:


Looking at that list, it looks like most of the cultivars we have are out of favor. I can't remember them all, but I think we had Slyberts, Moores, Stewarts (big trees, kind of ok nuts), Mahans (medium trees, tasty nuts), Burketts (weird round nuts), and one or two others that escape my memory.

Let's see, what else...

Crows will eat the nuts if you're not careful. Bugs will too. When they fall, get them fast. Check to make sure they haven't already been compromised by insects (is the shell intact?).

For whatever reason, our trees tended to produce on an every other year cycle. I have no idea if that's normal, but I suspect it's probably common.

Pecans in their shell will last a while. Let freshly shelled pecans dry a little before eating. Don't wait too long or they'll spoil. Freeze the ones you aren't planning to use.

Oh, their leaves are not attractive in autumn. Don't expect any kind of bright colors or anything. They turn an ugly brown.

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