There is a difference between Republicans and Democrats, part 0x23fb
Mood: frustrated
Posted on 2009-01-13 11:00:00
Tags: politics
Words: 409
Ken Blackwell, who is running to be the head of the RNC (which effectively makes him the leader of the party), said the following:
MS: Did you choose to be heterosexual? Did you wake up one day and say I want to be heterosexual?(MS is Michelangelo Signorile, KB is Ken Blackwell - see full interview with audio) And, not that this is news, Mike Huckabee and Ann Coulter compete to be the least gay-friendly, or as they call it, "pro-sodomy", because how I have sex is vastly more important than the fact that I love a guy. (not addressed, but I assume they're against sodomy for straight couples as well?) I didn't realize that Huckabee pushed an amendment to ban sodomy in the state of Arkansas when he was governor.
KB: The answer is that I've never had to make the choice because I've never had the urge to be other than a heterosexual, but if in fact I had the urge to be something else I could have in fact suppressed that urge.
MS: But you realize people were insulted when you compared [homosexuality] to arson and kleptomania. I would like you to explain that because, how does that get into this whole "choice" issue? I mean, kleptomania is a compulsion.
KB: Well, the fact is, you can choose to restrain that compulsion. And so I think in fact you don't have to give in to the compulsion to be homosexual. I think that's been proven in case after case after case...
KB: If in fact you would feel better for me to say to you that, one, I believe homosexuality is a compulsion that can be contained, repressed or changed, and that makes you feel better, then that is what I'm saying in the clearest of terms.
Comment from barilosopher:
I mean, I guess what he says is probably literally true: it's possible to suppress homosexual urges. Closeted people do it all the time. The real question, I think, is why anybody should care whom you have sex with, or want a significant class of people to be constantly suppressing sexual urges that don't hurt anybody.
Comment from taesmar:
Isn't oral sex in the definition of sodomy? Anne Coulter has never given a BJ? Yeah right.
Comment from omega697:
Did you see TDS last night?
Comment from gregstoll:
Not yet! But I'll watch it soon...
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