A week of happy
Mood: okay
Posted on 2008-12-15 15:44:00
Tags: health happiness
Words: 135
I'm happy my root canal is done and it was successful. I'm also happy I'm at a job where I can take off easily for dentist and doctor's appointments.
I took my last dose of antibiotics yesterday and by last night the tooth was starting to ache again. So when I went in and they did the stuff to numb the tooth it hurt like hell. After that everything was pretty fine, modulo keeping my mouth open for a ridiculously long time (the appointment lasted 1:45, and my mouth was open for most of it...now my jaw is sore). And it smelled terrible, what with doing unspeakable things to my tooth. And now my tooth is sore. But it's over with, and I took some Advil, so hopefully by tomorrow all will be relatively well.
Comment from anonymous:
Or Super Sarcastic Man; the internet makes it hard to tell. As a fellow horrible dental problems sufferer, I send my best wishes to you! Ironically, what I dread most about serious dental work is getting the shot of Novacaine. They always say that it hardly hurts, but it always really hurts!
Comment from anonymous:
Oh btw, that and this is Jessica. Forgot that you know automatically know what Anonymous is.
Comment from wonderjess:
But not this Jessica! Some other Jessica!
Comment from gregstoll:
See update - no longer so good. (wasn't being sarcastic originally :-) )
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