Theorycrafting: upgrades from Zul'Aman
Mood: nerdy
Posted on 2008-04-18 16:48:00
Tags: math theorycraft worldofwarcraft
Words: 161

Since I revamped the Frost mage DPS calculator to include Icy Veins and the Water Elemental, plus the fact that Zul'Aman is almost on farm status for us, time to look at what upgrades I would like!

For me right now, 1 point of sustained DPS = 13 int = 3.6 spell crit = 1.9 spell haste = 1.75 +damage = 1.45 +spell hit (still not capped out!)

GearDPS vs lvl 73 (boss)/DPS vs lvl 70
Footpads of Madness901.5/939.0
Wub's Cursed Hexblade888.7/927.2
Hood of Hexing917.1/933.3
Loop of Cursed Bones898.5/942.4
Mantle of Ill Intent904.0/941.6
Shadowcaster's Drape899.0/936.5
Mana Attuned Band912.0/937.1

Ah, that was heartening - there's more out of Zul'Aman for me than I thought! (although Wub's Cursed Hexblade isn't an upgrade, Mantle of Ill Intent may not be so great if I ever get my Heroic Magister's Terrace shoulders, and Mana Attuned Band is a drop out of the third timed chest which seems pretty hard to do)

1 comment

Comment from djedi:

It's so hard to judge healing gear to see what's best. You have the huge tradeoff of mana versus healing/time, plus in the mana discussion you have intellect versus mp5 which is a tradeoff and fight in and of itself.

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