Yes, I'm still around...
Mood: accomplished
Music: Tori Amos - "Raspberry Swirl"
Posted on 2005-05-10 15:01:00
Words: 254

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted "for real". I guess I've been busy, and at the same time, not much has inspired me to post. *shrug*

djedi talked about our weekend some already, so check it out. The Drafthouse was a lot of fun - apparently they're going to be showing the Wizard of Oz and playing Dark Side of the Moon there (syncing them up). This sounds wicked cool, and it's something I've heard about and always wanted to try. So maybe I'll convince some people to go :-)

Game night at Todd's last night was fun - wildrice13 and quijax (who's staying with us for a while) headed down there with me, and we played a quick game of the Pipe Game, followed by a Star Wars Epic Duel (that was pretty epic...). We capped off the late night with a game of the Big Idea - neither one of them had played before, and the group of people playing (us 3, Todd, and onefishclappin) was a pretty good group. I certainly enjoyed it!

Work is going decently today...kind of a "try something, see if it works (which it probably won't), try to fix it, etc." sort of day. But there's a light at the end of the tunnel at least...maybe even before I leave work.

I'm still a bit tired from last night, but I'm feeling pretty good in general. I've been a little more moody than usual lately - don't know why, really. I'm sure it'll come and go...

Have a nice day!


Comment from egray:

dark side of oz is pretty remarkable. then again, i was not so sober the time that i experienced the wonder that was the dark side of oz, so perhaps i shouldn't comment. i do remember that it blew my mind.

i heartily endorse this plan.

have fun!

Comment from gregstoll:

Cool! The Alamo Drafthouse does sell beer, so maybe I should imbibe to have my mind further blown. :-)

Comment from onefishclappin:

krikwennavd and I both went "cool, Dark Side of the Rainbow". I've seen it (oh, my college days...) and he's seen parts. I think we would be interested. (Oh, and we are trying to drag the female personality of cifarelli down the weekend of the 21st/22nd, so maybe she can chime in if she would be interested in it...)

Comment from gregstoll:

Unfortunately, according to the showtimes, the only showing that weekend is 7PM on Sunday, which I'd imagine would be a bit late for getting back to Houston...

Comment from cifarelli:

Might help if you replied to my last email (of yesterday)....

Comment from onefishclappin:

Yeah, I've been bad and haven't done that yet. But, yeah, we would be super duper happy to have you here. I'll actually reply in detail tmw. But I wanted to publicly apoligize that dragging cifarelli down would be a lot easier if I actually told her to come down :)...

Comment from djedi:

comment comment comment

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