<a forced smile upon my face>
Mood: happy (forced)
Posted on 2008-02-05 09:52:00
Tags: politics
Words: 74
despite the fact that work sucked yesterday AND I discovered I have to amend my tax return because I got yet another 1099-DIV from TIAA-CREF. Boo, TIAA-CREF. Boo.
The good news is either Hillary or Obama is running away with California! Those are some seriously crazy poll numbers for the day of. I seem to remember SurveyUSA being more reliable in the past, but there's plenty of room for them both to be wrong.
1 comment
Comment from djedi:
If you want to add to the list so we have one somewhere. We also need to do our MD state taxes and setup initial utilities and get a cashier's check. Hmmm, that's the worst of it so far. I'm looking into mooovers. =)
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