arena rating graph
Mood: bouncy
Posted on 2007-11-09 14:51:00
Tags: netflixprize math projects worldofwarcraft
Words: 234
Went out to lunch today with WoW people and we talked about this neat idea for an Arena rating graph. So you start at a 1500 rating and every match you play you gain or lose 1-29 points, and it would be neat to see the progression of that as the season goes on. Also nice to see what composition of teams we're good against and which we're not, and the ratings of the teams we win or lose to. I'm having to try really hard not to just start writing down ideas here since it's not work-related :-)
My first thought was to do the graph in Flex, but I forgot that Flex Charting is a separate package that costs money. So I did some research and there are lots of options for this sort of thing (found this excellent article on interactive charts and graphs via AmCharts looks like the best option, with FusionCharts Free close behind. I'll have to download and try them out at home; of course the hard part will be figuring out how to display all that data in a useful way.
Here's an excellent article on how Simon Fink's team got into the top 10 for the Netflix Prize - lots of juicy juicy math. Makes me want to get back into that sort of thing, which would make three active projects at once, which is too much.
Comment from alanshb:
Alan from Bellaire here, pointing you at two very useful sites for wow. (Fairly intelligent conversation compared to the boards) (Possibly the best way to parse combat logs, which in turn makes for wonderful analysis)
I thought I'd forward them to you when I realized you were still interested in structured analysis, and wow.
Hope the move has settled down, thanks for linking SimonF.
Comment from gregstoll:
Yeah, a guildie posted a wow web stats log once - it was pretty darn informative.
Long time no see - how are things with you?
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