Mood: hungry
Posted on 2007-08-27 12:05:00
Tags: poll
Words: 54

I need a new wallet. I feel bad because my nice current wallet was a high school graduation present from my late grandfather, but that was 8 years ago and my credit cards are starting to fall out of it, which is bad.

A geeky one would be nice. Here's one option, here's another.


Comment from djedi:

The dot matrix one is ok. It looks cheap and the opposite of durable.

Comment from wonderjess:

I think you would get tired of the dot matrix one, and sometimes not want others to see it (at any business-y type thing). Also, I think Grandpa would be happy you aren't as foolish as dad about getting new wallets (seriously, right now one is falling apart, but he doesn't want to get rid of it, so...he's carrying two of them. I kid you not.). hehe.

Comment from liz_gregory:

not that I'm paranoid about the RFID one... that ad just sounds silly to me, but it looks nicer, and if that ever actually becomes an issue... *shrug* a Faraday cage is cool :)

Comment from yerfdogyrag:

Neither - you can be more geeky. I had one of these a few years ago:


I *really* liked having the pda and wallet all in the same package. It was slightly thicker than a trifold and slightly longer than a bifold, but it wasn't bad (palm IIIe, as I recall). At the time, I was on a diet and was recording everything I ate (I would not eat things because of the effort it took to record).

Comment from ctroisi:

if you can wait til you come to Houston, they have some very cool ones at the Museum of Contemporary Arts

Comment from gregstoll:

Oh, too bad! I ordered one already...might get here tomorrow.

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