Posts with mood meh (2)

Maryland pictures up
Mood: meh
Posted on 2006-06-29 10:07:00
Tags: pictures palmtogooglecalendar
Words: 48

Here are the Maryland pictures - didn't get too many that turned out decently.

Yesterday Google released their authentication for Web-based clients (although it seems to have disappeared at the moment - weird!), so I hope to get a working version of the palm to google calendar thing up soon.


JAF (just another friday)
Mood: meh
Music: Saliva - "Always"
Posted on 2006-03-31 14:53:00
Words: 106

It's been kind of an odd week, so I'm glad it's Friday. Work has been going better, and at home I even knocked off one of the odd code projects I have set out for myself (I keep them in my todo list). It wasn't huge (just refactoring the family relationship in my giftlist table as a result of a Yahoo! Answers question I posted), but it's nice to do it, verify it works, and check it off the list. Next is probably posting some Farkle math formulas that are really an excuse to play with MathML. Don't plan to spend too much time on it...


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