Posts with mood energetic (10)

a few links: FIFA, racism, and homophobia; same-sex marriage and wedded bliss; James Comey
Mood: energetic
Posted on 2013-05-31 14:08:00
Tags: gay links
Words: 194

- FIFA announced tougher penalties for racism today. A few thoughts:
  * It blows my mind a little that racism is still a problem in soccer. Maybe I have my blinders on but I don't think it's really a problem in US sports, right?
  * The proposal sounds reasonable, although punishing a team based on what its fans do seems like inviting false flag operations.
  * Racism is bad, but FIFA seems perfectly content to hold the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, where "homosexual activity" is illegal. Apparently Sepp Blatter (FIFA president) was asked about this and his response was less than encouraging. And yes, I'm still mad that Qatar got the 2022 World Cup over the US, and I suspect foul play...

- The Gay Guide to Wedded Bliss - you're welcome!

- Obama nominated James Comey to be FBI director. I vaguely remembered that name from the Bush presidency - turns out he was Deputy Attorney General under John Ashcroft and told this amazing story to Congress. (here's a text summary)

- Apparently in World War II German soldiers were issued a precursor of crystal meth to keep them alert...and this continued until 1988 in East Germany!


On a revenue basis, webOS >> Android
Mood: energetic
Posted on 2011-12-07 11:23:00
Tags: palmpre projects android
Words: 266

I worked for around 3 months on FlightPredictor for Android. It's not a particularly pretty app, but it is very functional, and I am proud of it.

Since I released it 3.5 weeks ago, I have sold a grand total of 20 copies. At $1.99 each, minus Google's cut and taxes, that amounts to around $20. (and I had to pay $25 to register in the Android Market, so I haven't even broken even) There's even FlightPredictor Lite, a free trial version with ads (that have made me 3 cents so far).

On webOS, a platform whose future has been very uncertain since August, and despite the fact that I haven't released any new apps in a while, and have only made minor updates to FlightPredictor HD (mostly adding airport maps at users' requests), and there's no free trial version, I'm still making $10 a day. Obviously there are a lot of factors helping me out there (TouchPad firesale, the fact that FlightPredictor HD is still a featured app and is in Pivot), but maaan. If I wanted to optimize for revenue, I should have doubled-down (ahem) on webOS.

I guess that makes FlightPredictor for Android somewhat of a labor of love, which is odd since I don't plan on getting an Android phone. It was fun to learn how to make an Android app, though, even if it was frustrating at times.

The Windows Phone version is coming along slowly (busy time of year), and I'm hoping playing around with a developer phone will give me more ideas of how apps generally work on WP7.


Kickstartin' the weekend
Mood: energetic
Posted on 2011-02-18 16:04:00
Tags: essay
Words: 134

I mentioned Kickstarter a few weeks ago, but the site is really starting to grow on me.

Creating things energizes me, which is why I love programming little side projects and webOS apps. The next best thing is creating vicariously through someone, which is exactly what Kickstarter is. It's low risk, since if the project doesn't make Plus, people come up with a lot of awesome stuff and present it very compellingly!

Here's my Kickstarter page with a list of projects that I've backed/are interested in. Probably the coolest is the Haptica Braille Watch, although they have a lot of money to raise in a short amount of time. The Shape of Design has a nice (albeit long) video. Also, Math dice!

You can also view projects by location: here are the Austin ones.


a few new pictures
Mood: energetic
Posted on 2009-10-31 13:36:00
Tags: pictures
Words: 13

Only two months late! Including cute nephew pictures and a few camping ones.


my head asplode
Mood: energetic
Posted on 2007-12-14 15:02:00
Tags: house worldofwarcraft
Words: 25

House-hunting! Still no email from T-Mobile (36 hours and counting)! Applied to write for WoW Insider! Bought a PS3 yesterday! Christmas party tonight! Other things!

1 comment

(no subject)
Mood: energetic
Music: "Sweet Georgia Brown", whistled (IMH)
Posted on 2007-03-05 08:47:00
Tags: dodgeball microresolution
Words: 292

We had an action-packed weekend! <cut to commercial> We got together to play games Friday night, I played dodgeball Saturday night, we had quijax and thaneofross over on Saturday and Sunday, and Sunday night we went to a Harlem Globetrotters game.

Saturday morning was the dodgeball tournament - we lost in the first round, as expected, but we did win a game. (and had a "no decision", when it was down to one on one and their guy hit our guy in the head, which means they're both out. I thought it should a tie, which would give us another .5 points, but to no avail) We ended up losing 13-1 or something like that. Although I did get the last person out in the game we won :-)

Hosting people was fun, too - we walked around Annapolis for a while, found a new good Chinese place in Columbia, and played a good game of Starfarers of Catan (as well as some Rayman Raving Rabbids).

The Globetrotters were...interesting. It was fun, and I liked the way they mixed the "real" basketball and the comic asides. I keep thinking that I've seen them before - not a full show, but maybe they made a cameo at a Rockets game once upon a time? Anyway, the Wikipedia link above has lots of information - they played the New York Nationals, which I discovered is the new name of the Washington Generals.

Microresolution: no soda this week (until Friday, inclusive) before dinner. I've gotten into the habit of having one with lunch, which is a bad thing. (although the caffeine helps me get through the afternoon...but if I'm really desperate I can have tea instead)

An article on how to be an optimist (and why it's good for you)

1 comment

Mood: energetic
Posted on 2007-02-24 12:37:00
Tags: dodgeball
Words: 147

We lost at dodgeball this morning, but it was close - 8 games to 6. Had we not started out so slowly (we lost the first 4 in a row, I think) we might have had a shot.

On the way back, I heard "Ladies and Gentlemen" by Saliva. I've heard the song before, and it's not bad, but it irritates me a bit. I think I've figured out why. The rhyme scheme for the verses is AAAA (clever, no?), and the rhymes are usually pretty bad. Like, for example:

Hold tight cause the show it not over
If you will please move in closer
You're about to be bowled over
By the wonders you're about to behold here

(courtesy Dooballoh Lyrics)

First of all, "over" does not rhyme with "over". Neither does "closer", although it's kinda close, I guess. "behold here" is just ridiculous. Shape up, Saliva!


Go Turbulent Firewhirls!
Mood: energetic
Posted on 2006-11-18 12:16:00
Tags: dodgeball religion
Words: 93

We won a match! Granted, it was by forfeit because the other team didn't have enough players. But I'll take it, especially after we lost the first match 13(!) games to 1. Also, my glasses are intact, although I did bang my elbow a little bit on the gym floor.

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops announced new guidelines about gay people, including this nicety:

Gays also are discouraged from telling anyone about their sexual orientation outside a close circle of friends and supporters in the church.

Hello, world. I'm gay. Take that!


A humbling experience
Mood: energetic
Location: home
Posted on 2006-08-18 16:39:00
Tags: go
Words: 35

After reading how Go is really really hard for computers to play, losing to a computer Go game on level 1 by 85 and 73 stones is a little embarrassing. But I think I'm learning!


January 27th is Rabbit Hole Day!
Mood: energetic
Music: Jimmy Eat World, "Clarity"
Posted on 2005-01-13 15:19:00
Words: 34

crisper had the excellent idea to make January 27th the First Annual LiveJournal Rabbit Hole Day (to commemorate the birthday of Lewis Carroll).  Sounds like fun - I'll take part if I can remember!


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