Posts with mood complacent (2)

happy Friday eve! PreCentral interview, Atul Gawande
Mood: complacent
Posted on 2011-06-16 10:53:00
Tags: palmpre gay politics links
Words: 184

I got interviewed at PreCentral yesterday! I think it went pretty well, and a surprising number of people clicked through to look at my apps and stuff.

Here's Atul Gawande's commencement address at Harvard Medical school. He talked about how medicine needs to move from a "cowboy" culture to a "pit crew" one.

The New York same-sex marriage bill passed the State Assembly (as it has several times before), but its future is unclear. Supporters say they have 31 of the needed 32 votes in the State Senate, but the Republicans (who have a majority in the State Senate) aren't even sure they're going to bring it up. But it sounds like it's either going to happen or it won't by the end of this week.

What to say to someone who's sick and how to help without being an imposition.

I'm not paying a great deal of attention to the Republican primary, but apparently Tim Pawlenty has proposed more tax cuts that are significantly larger than the Bush tax cuts. (and of course, the vast majority going to the top 1% or 0.1%...)


weird week
Mood: complacent
Posted on 2007-02-15 14:15:00
Tags: music
Words: 138

What a weird week. Yesterday was super nice - we got the day off from work because of the snow and ice and such, so we played WoW in the afternoon, djedi cooked me a delicious supper, and we watched that classic romantic movie "Transformers: The Movie". Hadn't seen it before - good stuff! The theme song is still stuck in my head. (also, why is "Dare to be Stupid" by Weird Al played during the movie? That's just weird) And Orson Welles (who does a voice in the movie) made a cameo in my dream last night!

Lots of snow on the ground this morning, so we got into work late and we were able to stop by the bank and take care of some stuff. I still need to address letters and send them out. Maybe next week.


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