Posts with mood cold (7)

More snow pics
Mood: cold
Posted on 2010-02-23 12:32:00
Tags: pictures snow
Words: 5

Posted via LJ for WebOS.


caucus night
Mood: cold
Posted on 2008-01-03 23:20:00
Tags: election essay house politics
Words: 216

The short version: Obama wins, Edwards just barely beats Clinton for second. Huckabee wins on the Republican side.

Back in 2003, I was a huge Dean supporter. I got to shake his hand (this was back in April when he was pretty unknown), went to Meetups for him and wrote letters to voters in Iowa, sent him lots of money, went down to San Antonio for a rally wearing my Dean shirt and hat, etc., etc. When he lost in Iowa and then the whole Dean Scream nonsense, it broke my heart. I did get behind Kerry, not terribly enthusiastically, but what's the alternative, right? His loss broke my heart too, but in a smaller way.

Anyway, I feel a little bad that I wasn't backing a particular candidate, because I don't want to lose my passion...but in the end it's really hard to tell who would make the best President. They're all pretty good, and I'd be happy if any of them got elected. (even Gravel...think of what an entertaining four years that would make!)

Tomorrow night: movie
Saturday: drive to Houston, do a bachelor party
Sunday: drive back to Austin earlyish, meet djedi's parents and look at houses. Maybe decide to make an offer on the one we like. That would be pretty neat.


dum de dum
Mood: cold
Location: home
Posted on 2007-01-10 11:40:00
Tags: worldofwarcraft wii
Words: 156

It is super cold here! I'm at home waiting for the cable people to come (they said 8-12, which of course means I just got a call at 11:40 that they're on their way. *sigh*), and wow. It's 34 degrees outside. And maybe it'll snow sometime in the next week! That would be awesome.

Being at home this morning, I accomplished almost nothing useful. Which is not altogether bad. Finished a book I was reading, played some Wii Sports and tweaked my WoW settings to get more fps, which is always good.

Speaking of Wii Sports, I recently made Pro in baseball. Woohoo! It's getting really hard, though - I've finally learned to lay off the bad pitches some. But the pitches are getting tougher - one game started me off with a 100 mph fastball (!) followed by a 69 mph screwball. How am I supposed to adjust between those speeds?

Ravens play Saturday. Go Ravens!

I'm bored.

1 comment

Safe-wii first!
Mood: cold
Posted on 2006-12-05 19:25:00
Tags: ljbackup wii politics links
Words: 128

The Japanese Wii manuals safety pictures are hilarious! So darn cute. And here are some equally cute fake Wii safety pictures! I still don't have one, though.

I put up a new version of a sample LJbackup - the only thing of note is the stats page now includes the longest posts. Interestingly, my longest posts is a friends-only meme I posted, probably because the word counting is pretty primitive and inaccurate (counting HTML tags as words, etc.)

Same-sex marriage appeal in Maryland was argued yesterday. It's pretty neat being in a state where this is even remotely possible! Here's a fun quote:

"Our laws should reflect what is best for children, not what is best for adults," she said.

Awesome. Everyone: sex is outlawed! Think of the children!!!


glad that's over with!
Mood: cold
Posted on 2006-10-13 10:21:00
Words: 97

When I got up this morning it was 34 degrees out. (not a misprint) The high today (58) is lower than Austin's low tonight (67). The overnight low here is 36 with, and I quote, "Scattered frost possible".

But, the good news is that winter can't possibly be any colder than this, so spring must be just around the corner!

(I'll post about netflix prize stuff when I have some interesting results - spent most of the last few days crunching many number to end up with an RMSE not as good as what I already had. Grr.)


sooo cold
Mood: cold
Posted on 2006-03-21 18:43:00
Tags: movies
Words: 73

It's sooo cold! I thought when it was below freezing, you got snow as a bonus? My fingers are having trouble typing.... :-(

"16 Blocks" - weird at first, then good, then dragged a bit. The ending, though, was good, and that brings the rating up to pretty good. Bruce Willis is old, which is sad. And Mos Def has an annoying accent the whole time.

Popcorn is expensive ($6 for a medium??) in Maryland.


it's cooooold!
Mood: cold
Posted on 2005-12-08 11:22:00
Tags: cold
Words: 195

It's very cold out - 26 or so now, and the radio says that it feels like 9. 9!! Yikes. NI was closed until 10 AM this morning (so was UT) and when I got down to my car, I had to spend 40 minutes de-icing it (with djedi - thanks a lot!). Although part of that was not realizing that if the engine isn't on, the heat will blow air, but it won't really be hot. Oh well.

It was neat - there was a layer of ice over all of my car - windshields, windows, top, everything. I couldn't roll my window down because of the ice. But eventually the heat and front and rear defrosters did the job.

It was a bit creepy to see cars on Mopac, but going 20 MPH lower than the speed limit. Didn't see any accidents, either, which is good. Now I'm warming up with a nice cup of tea.

So, do you people in the north (or north of here - Carrie said it was 3 degrees in St. Louis yesterday!) have to drip your pipes every night for like months? Or are the pipes better insulated up there or something?


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