Posts in October 2009

October 1 10:20:00 - Rice pictures (4 comments)

October 5 14:49:00 - Texas senators support Defense of Marriage Act (5 comments)

October 8 10:50:00 - Curious about Roman Polanski (2 comments)

October 9 10:18:00 - developing for the Palm Pre (1 comments)

October 9 15:45:00 - A few late Friday links (4 comments)

October 15 10:39:00 - All's well that ends well (1 comments)

October 16 13:15:00 - link friday (2 comments)

October 19 10:01:00 - Golden Rules of Travel (1 comments)

October 21 13:24:00 - life update (2 comments)

October 22 12:43:00 - early voting happening now (3 comments)

October 23 13:07:00 - links...on friday (1 comments)

October 29 11:13:00 - depressing articles about football

October 29 16:23:00 - So...does anyone want a Google Wave invite? (2 comments)

October 31 13:36:00 - a few new pictures

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