Posts in February 2009

February 2 14:18:00 - 25 things about me (3 comments)

February 3 10:22:00 - the world is depressing links (1 comments)

February 5 08:45:00 - riddle me this (1 comments)

February 6 13:41:00 - progress marches on (1 comments)

February 6 14:43:00 - a few links with no coherent theme

February 9 15:34:00 - psychology is weird

February 11 13:54:00 - book review: First, Break All The Rules (8 comments)

February 12 10:34:00 - *insert witticism here* (2 comments)

February 13 21:38:00 - Coraline

February 15 22:49:00 - whereslunch - deleting!

February 15 23:01:00 - book review: Dreaming in Code

February 17 07:31:00 - early morning links!

February 17 14:26:00 - a slight geek-out (2 comments)

February 20 10:18:00 - friday links

February 23 12:56:00 - anti-gay monday! (7 comments)

February 24 10:20:00 - benchmark analyzer! (6 comments)

February 25 13:23:00 - obama's speech and an embarrassing memory from my past (4 comments)

February 27 22:09:00 - PasswordHash firefox extension! (6 comments)

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