Games with mechanic Variable Player Powers

7 Wonders2-743-77.8130
Dominant Species2-642-67.74180
Race for the Galaxy2-42,42-47.7330
Battlestar Galactica3-65-64-67.73180
Roll for the Galaxy2-53-42-57.6845
Pandemic: On the Brink2-53-42-57.6745
Pandemic: Iberia2-541-57.5245
Small World2-542-57.3380
Forbidden Desert2-541-57.2345
Lord of the Rings - Friends & Foes2-542-57.1690
Dungeons & Dragons: Castle Ravenloft Board Game1-541-57.0390
Lord of the Rings2-542-56.9460
Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Game2-652-66.9090
Pandemic: In the Lab1-63-41-66.8845
Das Ältere Zeichen1-841-56.8890
Forbidden Island2-441-46.8630
Shadow Hunters4-87-85-86.7345
Betrayal at House on the Hill3-653-66.7390
Burgle Bros.1-431-46.5690
Lord of the Rings - Sauron3-653-66.48120
Mystery Express3-553-56.3375
Star Trek: Expeditions1-41-46.1560
Candamir: The First Settlers2-432-46.0860
2012: The Mayan Calendar2-40.0060

28 games found.

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