I went on a recruiting trip to BYU, and we had a few hours to kill waiting for a plane in Salt Lake City, so we went in to Temple Square to look around. This is the main temple.
Date: 02/01/2012
Views: 20825
Inscriptions that talk about the Mormon faith.
Date: 02/01/2012
Views: 15176
The visitor center had a model of Jerusalem at the time of Christ's death.
We drove up to a hill and looked down on Salt Lake City, which was pretty neat. The ever-present mountains in the background never let you forget where you are!
Date: 02/01/2012
Views: 19337
The streets are laid out in a very logical grid - even most street names are just a number and then a cardinal direction (the direction it is from Temple Square). Elegant!
BYU has a good computer graphics department, and there were posters all over from Pixar and Dreamworks movies. After seeing this statue of Po (from Kung Fu Panda), I knew I wanted a picture with him :-)
We went out to dinner at a nice outdoor mall in Provo. I'm not sure why things were lit up, given that it was the end of January, but it was a nice effect.