I found the signs in the convention center interesting from a design perspective - they were mostly traditional symbols with odd/interesting choices for highlighting. Here's a restroom sign.
Here's a sign for food. This one looks neat up close, but if you can just see the highlighted parts from further away, it's quite confusing (why is the fork hot, anyway?)
The telephone sign - I liked this design, especially it was clear from pretty far away that it was a phone. This picture is bad because I was taking these as we were leaving from an exhausting day, so we just wanted to get out of there...
Date: 01/14/2006
Views: 7562
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Members of the Rice Recruiting Team from NI at Willy's Pub.
Date: 02/21/2006
Views: 8691
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Arrrgh! What happened to the hedges?! (they're just being pruned, but yikes!)
Matthew at Andrew's gamenight. This is the second picture I took - he smiled after the first one, so I had to take another one :-) (and that's Christi behind him)
Here are some pieces of Christi and David's new house! Here's a particularly...interesting chandelier. (it's neat in a kitchy sort of way!) They got rid of the wallpaper and chandelier.